Accelerating TB Vaccine
R&D Through

Our Work

TBVI identifies, develops and coordinates projects and facilitates the exchange of knowledge, with the aim to optimize the discovery and development of improved TB vaccines. We connect partners and we create an enabling environment for knowledge-sharing through (scientific) meetings, publications in scientific and non-scientific journals, and formal and informal networking. TBVI also provides technical inputs to make an evidence-based case for TB vaccine R&D to be put higher on the global agenda and to advocate for increased investment.   

About Us

The TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) is a non-profit foundation that facilitates the discovery and development of new, safe and effective tuberculosis (TB) vaccines that are accessible and affordable for all people. TBVI brings together partners from around the world by creating an enabling environment for TB vaccine research & innovation and product development, with the ultimate goal to relieve the burden of TB.

Accelerating TB vaccine Research &
Development through partnership
