Dr Brijesh Patel (Chair)
Former Deputy Manager and Senior Assessor Biologicals and Biotechnology Unit, MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) London, United Kingdom
Dr Brijesh Patel worked with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) for over 8 years as a pharmaceutical assessor across the chemical drugs section, clinical trials unit and the biologicals/biotechnology unit. He has experience of assessing a large number of new drug/biological applications (including a number of high profile vaccines), variation applications for existing licences (including manufacturing process changes, scale-up, site transfers), clinical trials applications and has considerable experience in the provision of formal scientific advice to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr Patel has also been an expert to the CHMP Biologics Working Party, the UK representative to CHMP Influenza Working Party, an expert to the EMA Nanomedicines group, and been the primary author or core member in writing the quality sections of a number of CHMP guidelines. He is also a member of the British Pharmacopoeia Commission Panel of Experts on Biological and Biotechnological Products.
Dr Patel originally qualified as a pharmacist and attained a PhD in the subject area of novel adjuvanted vaccines (both qualifications from the London School of Pharmacy).