From 29 to 30 January 2025, the second annual progress meeting of TBVAC-HORIZON took place in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. All consortium partners presented the progress made in their research and development activities.
The various work packages had lively seperate as well as joint consultations, which fostered very intense dynamic discussions and exchanges of progress and knowledge. This spirit of cooperation and open dialogue further strengthened the synergies within the consortium. In the plenary session, welcoming all consortium members alongside the Scientific and Ethics Advisors, a platform to showcase the significant advancements of our collective efforts, particular emphasis was put onto giving young researchers opportunity their exciting results to the whole audience of key players in TB vaccine R&D.
As the project continues, data generation is increasing and exciting progress regarding the successful establishment and implementation of the unique in vivo live imaging microscopy facility. The development of a novel, high-yield fermentation based GMP manufacturing process for live mycobacterial vaccine platforms progresses as planned. A pre-master seed lot of rBCG::ESX-1Mmar was successfully prepared. Furthermore, a human clinical trial is underway, and the parallel, aligned non-human primate study is shortly about to start.
The Portfolio Advisory Committee reported that the first challenge studies for head-to-head candidate vaccine testing in mice will start very shortly and that a new (third) call for candidates will be released early February.
The annual meeting was complemented by a Steering Committee meeting where the Scientic and Ethics Advisors presented their evaluation and recommendations.
All TBVAC members also participated in the TBVI symposium held on January 28-29 in Les Diablerets. By a mix of attractive scientific talks, presentations about vaccine development and related clinical items and panel discussions it provided an outstanding opportunity for networking, the exchange of knowledge and exploration of new initiatives with other scientists, policy makers and funders both within and outside the TB field. More than 120 participants attended the lively Symposium.
As we reflect on this enriching and inspiring week, we want to express our deep gratitude to all participants. Their enthusiastic involvement and contributions were a significant part of what made this event so special. We look forward to the impacts of TBVAC-HORIZON and remain firmly committed to working together in our collective fight against TB.