International Tuberculosis Research Center (ITRC) is located in South Korea where TB is still major public health problem in spite of rapid economic growth and development. ITRC has been trying to establish a network of TB experts and collaborators in the world and provide recent scientific evidences to researchers, policy makers and stakeholders of South Korea.

The Department of Vaccine Clinical Research at ITRC is mainly focused on evaluation of novel vaccine candidates against tuberculosis and immunologic diagnosis tools of latent tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis. Based on collaborations with national and international organizations, we have actively involved in a number of studies in different populations of S. Korea, such as BCG vaccinated children, adolescents with LTBI, active tuberculosis patients, and healthy adults.

Our group is recently funded by National Research Foundation of Korea for the TBVAC2020 project to collaborate with laboratories in the consortium, enabling us to identify, test, evaluate and prioritize proper surrogate-endpoints of protection (“correlates of protection”) for novel TB vaccine candidates, and to harmonize and standardize core assays to measure and compare these among heterogenous populations in the partnership. Throughout this project, we will prepare core assays and baseline data for target groups, in advance to large-scale clinical trials for new TB vaccine candidates in S. Korea.

Recent Key publications:


Our Team:
Hyejon Lee, Sang-Nae Cho

Hyejon Lee