Call for applications to assess efficacy of Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine candidates in a mouse model

Microscope in Laboratory

Diversification of the vaccine development pipeline has been identified as a priority area in the Global TB Vaccine R&D Roadmap. The TBVAC-HORIZON consortium has been able to secure funds for a 4-year project that aims, amongst other things, to fill the early phases of the development pipeline while ensuring a diverse portfolio (

One of the objectives of TBVAC-HORIZON is to perform head-to-head comparisons of new candidate TB vaccines both within and outside of the consortium.

To this aim, we are delighted to announce the first call for applications that will grant access to a head-to-head assessment of the ability of candidate vaccines to reduce bacterial load. This assessment will be performed using a standard mouse model of vaccination and pulmonary challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Please read the TBVAC Horizon call for application as well as supporting information and guidance for the application and the TBVAC-HORIZON Application form.

A total of three calls are foreseen within the TBVAC-HORIZON project. In the current first round, there is room to asses up to three vaccine candidates in this mouse model, and we invite all who have a candidate in a relevant stage of development to submit your vaccine candidate for testing in this model by completing the application form attached and send this to before 1 January 2024.
