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Call for Consultant on Tuberculosis Vaccine Development and Policy
The WHO has a call for Consultant on TB Vaccine development policy. For more information, please check WHO website.
The WHO has a call for Consultant on TB Vaccine development policy. For more information, please check WHO website.
WHO has published the Global TB report 2020. The report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the [...]
The Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) has several vacancies: WGNV Core Group Position Description – Early Career Researcher WGNV Core Group Position Description – Affected [...]
The Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) has launched an updated website. WGNV helps to facilitate the development of new, more effective TB vaccines by promoting [...]
The European Investment Bank (EIB) agreed a €30 million loan with Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH (VPM). This loan will help VPM to perform the priMe trial. The priMe project contains a [...]
Gates MRI is looking for a physician / clinical trialist / clinical development person, ideally from a high TB burden country and/or with hands-on experience working in low resource settings, to [...]
The Center for Vaccinology of the University of Geneva has two postdoctoral positions in human immunology. – to work on the immuno(pathology) of COVID-19. Please read the vacancy text. [...]
Since 1982, those engaged in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) have observed 24 March as World TB Day, to commemorate a scientific breakthrough: Dr. Robert Koch’s 1882 announcement of the [...]
It’s time to accelerate the TB response to save lives and end suffering by building on and learning from promising results in vaccine development and strengthening the existing collaborative [...]
Tuberculosis represents the leading global cause of death from an infectious agent. Controlling the tuberculosis epidemic thus represents an urgent global public health priority. Epidemiological [...]
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