First progress meeting MTBVACN3


From 15-18 May 2023, the first annual progress meeting of the MTBVAC phase III clinical trial EDCTP co-funded project took place in Andasibe and Antananarivo, Madagascar.

The consortium, composed of nine partners in total of which six recruiting sites (four in South Africa, one in Senegal and one in Madagascar), informally and formally discussed the project progress achieved in the recent 12 months. The attendees visited the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar in Antananarivo with its research and clinical labs and vaccination facilities.

At the meeting venue, a comprehensive update and overview of the overall project progress was presented by all partners and insights into the clinical trial status were discussed. The sites are recruiting at an increasing rate, with almost 300 newborns by May, 2023. MTBVACN3 will evaluate safety and efficacy of MTBVAC administered intradermally in 7120 healthy, BCG-naïve, HIV-uninfected newborns born to HIV-uninfected mothers and HIV-infected mothers without known exposure to close/household TB contacts.

All in all, the days hosted by the IPM-team, provided a platform to share extensively experiences, challenges and solutions and to look forward to the next steps in the project.
