Governance Board
TBVI’s highest decision-making body is its Governance Board. TBVI’s Advisory Committee gives advice to the Governance Board and to the Executive Director on strategic issues related to R&D, resource mobilisation and external affairs. The Operational Office of TBVI takes care of developing and implementing TBVI’s collaborative research agenda and day-to-day business.
Founder and managing partner of Forbion Capital Partners Professor in Translational Gastroenterology at the University of Leiden The Netherlands
Full Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Formerly IMI Executive Director Brussels, Belgium
Outstanding politician in Poland. Former EU Commissioner for Single Market, Industry and Enterpreneurship
Outstanding Lithuanian politician, member of European Parliament, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety (2014-2019)
Advisory Committee
Prof Mark Hatherill (Chair)
Dr Carol Holm-Hansen
Senior Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Prof Willem Hanekom
Director, Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI), KwaZulu-Natal
Dr Gerd Zettlmeissl
Former CEO Valneva SE (formerly Intercell AG), Vienna
Ingrid Murillo Jelsbak
Clinical Research Director, Biofabri
Frank Cobelens MD MSc PhD
Professor of Global Health, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, loc. AMC, UvA, & Amsterdam Inst. for Global health & Devel. (AIGHD)
Morten Ruhwald
Head of TB program, Foundation of Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
Dr Eugene Sun
Senior Vice President, Research and Development, TB Alliance
Dr Thomas Nyirenda MD MPH
Strategic Partnerships and Capacity Development Manager, EDCTP
Ann M. Ginsberg
Mercè Amat
R&D Manager, Archivel Farma
Steering Committee
Prof Dr Tom H. M. Ottenhoff, MD, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Immunology, Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID)
Dr Frank Verreck
Head TB Research, Department of Parasitology Biomedical Primate Research Centre Rijswijk
Dr Olivier Neyrolles
CNRS Research Director Institute of Pharmacology & Structural Biology Toulouse
Prof Carlos Martin
Professor of Microbiology University of Zaragoza
Dr Camille Locht
Research Director, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) Head of the Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille
Prof Hazel M. Dockrell
Professor of Immunology, Special Advisor on Overseas Partnerships in Africa, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Prof Helen McShane
Professor of Vaccinology, University of Oxford
Prof Dr Med Steffen Stenger
Director, Institute for Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, University Hospital Ulm
Roland Brosch
Professor and Head of the Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics Unit, Institut Pasteur
Dr Rasmus Mortensen
Head of TB Vaccine Research, Statens Serum Institut
Prof Andrea Cooper
Prof Daniel Pinschewer
Professor of Virology, University of Basel
Delia Goletti
Head of Translational Research Unit, National Institute for Infectious Deseases (INMI)
Emeritus Professor of Immunology, Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID), The Netherlands