Marit Holleman MSc
Sr. Knowledge Exchange and Networking Manager & Project Manager
- Marit is TBVI’s knowledge exchange and project manager. Through exchanging knowledge, maintaining contacts with partners and coordinating scientific and resource mobilization meetings, she makes TBVI’s work comprehensible for stakeholders. Furthermore, she takes care of project management and coordination.
Before joining TBVI, Marit was account manager Global Health at the Institute for Translational Vaccinology Intravacc, coordinator of technology transfer at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment and policy advisor at the Netherlands Vaccine Institute. She acted as a liaison between different public and private parties to identify research needs and find common ground on policy issues that are of interest for public and private entities focused on vaccine research and development. Marit held several international staff and project management positions including vaccinology training courses and technology transfer to low and middle-income countries in collaboration with the World Health Organization.
Marit: “Through collaborations we can build sustainable and innovative solutions for health issues. TB is such a big health issue, killing more people than any other single infectious disease. I am pleased to be part of TBVI. TBVI’s philosophy of accelerating TB vaccine development through partnerships appeals to me.”