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Network meetings

TBVI organises meetings to bring together researchers, developers, policy makers, funders and other experts from different relevant disciplines, to exchange knowledge and to stimulate innovative approaches in TB vaccine R&D.    

Knowledge exchange meetings encourage and enable scientists and researchers to bring forward their innovative ideas, concepts, technologies and strategies for a creative “bottom up” approach to vaccine- and biomarker discovery and development. This often leads to new collaborations and new initiatives for projects. TBVI constantly seeks funding opportunities and initiate new projects when new funding opportunities arise.  

TBVI’s Annual symposium in Les Diablerets 

An important venue for knowledge sharing is the traditional TBVI Annual Symposium in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Since 2005, TBVI has brought together TB scientists in the Swiss mountain resort of Les Diablerets, located upwards from the lake of Geneva. Over the years, this somewhat secluded location has facilitated a ‘TB group’ spirit that has led to many new ideas, projects and collaborations.

Presentations Les Diablerets 2024