Elżbieta Bieńkowska

former EU Commissioner

Graduate of Jagiellonian University, Oriental Philology Faculty and National School of Public Administration in Warsaw, MBA studies in Warsaw School of Economics.

Scholar of British Foreign Office, European Union and German Marshal Fund

Worked in regional administration in Silesia, Poland, as Governors Plenipotentiary for Regional Development Strategy, Head of European Department in Silesian Regional Authority and Director of Regional Centre for Enterpreneurship.

From 2007-2013 Minister of  Regional Development in Poland responsible for planning, preparing and implementation of the whole EU Structural and Cohesion Funds for Poland and European Economic Area Programmes, coordinating regional and national development  programs. On top of that responsible for the preparation of the national long and medium term regional development and urban policy.

2013-2014 , Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Development managing infrastructure projects inc. roads, railways, air transport and maritime policy

2011-2014 elected Senator

2014-2019 member of the European Commission, Commissioner for Single Market, Industry and Enterpreneurship with portfolio including european legislation and undertakings for the industry (inc. automotive, pharma, chemicals) SMEs, Single Market enforcement, Space and Defence Programs and many others.

From 2021 – University of Silesia’s Council .

Awarded Kingdom of Norway Order of Merit and Order of Merit of Republic of Greece.