Diversifying the vaccine development pipeline has been recognized as a priority in the Global TB Vaccine R&D Roadmap. The TBVAC-HORIZON consortium has successfully secured funding for a four-year project that aims to fill the early stages of the development pipeline while ensuring a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates (TBVAC-HORIZON – TBVI).
One of the key objectives of this project is to conduct head-to-head comparisons of new candidate TB vaccines, both within the TBVAC-HORIZON consortium and beyond.
We are pleased to announce our third call for applications. This round invites you to participate in a comparison of the potential of new candidate TB vaccines to reduce bacterial load (CFU) using a standard mouse or guinea pig model of vaccination and pulmonary challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) H37Rv strain. The choice of model will be determined by the stage of the vaccine development.
A total of four calls are foreseen within the TBVAC-HORIZON project. In the current round, we have the capacity to assess up to four vaccine candidates in the mouse model and 2 in the guinea pig model. We invite anyone with a candidate in a relevant stage of development to seize this chance and submit their vaccine candidate for testing. If you do not have a candidate yourself, but know someone who does, please share this opportunity with them.
Deadline to apply is 31 March 2025
For more information and to apply, please check the Application Form TBVAC Horizon Third call, along with supporting information and guidance for the application.